Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I'M BACK!!!!!

OMG it has been to long since I blogged. I think I might be going through blogger withdraw.

It has just been a crazy last couple days. My labor day weekend was just jam packed with stuff to do. I mean the days just flew by.

I have been really busy with work these past couple weeks with the launch of a new jewelry line for kids. I am very excited about it but is has been very difficult to get things perfect.

This past weekend we did alot for the new company we are starting including a photo shoot which did not turn out how I would want it.

But on a different note....

Today was the first day of school!
I am so excited I mean my daughter is so excited. :)
We started off the day great and I just picked her up and she said she liked school alot and loves the first grade. So keep my fingers crossed that does not change.

I look forward to many more school days and I am happy to say goodbye to summer.

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