Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Husbands new girlfriend! (Let Me Explain)

So a couple weeks ago after I had my little boy, my husband decided he was going to go out and get himself a new girlfriend! They have been together a month now and I can tell that his feelings grow for her daily.

He takes really good care of her.
Buys her things.
Makes sure no one hurts her.
Talks to her daily.
Takes her for long drives.
Even wakes up as early as 6am to get out of bed with me to go and shower her.

I was not aware that he and I have a open relationship. But I guess I will have to live with it since he has committed to her for six years.

I guess I should introduce everyone to my husbands new girlfriend.....

Yes he want out and bought himself a new car! (This is the new Kia Soul...Better known as the Hamster car from the commercial with the song "You can get with this or you can get with that")

Now in his defense he had his old car for 6 1/2 years and it was good car but lacked the nice things like power windows and A/C. Not only that but I hated to drive in it and complained all the time if we went anywhere in it. I also never drove the car.

So I guess I will have to share my husbands time with another women.

Welcome to my world!

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