Monday, June 28, 2010

My No Stess Weekend and Daughters First SleepOver!

Have you ever had one of those weekends were you and your family have nothing to do. No birthday parties, crazy home improvements, etc. That you can just sit back and watch all the TiVo you want for hours on end!

That was this weekend for me and my family.

I have really been trying to take it easy lately as I am getting closer to my scheduled c-section/due date (three weeks from today). This is so much easier for me to say then to actually do as I am just one of those people that needs to have 110 things going at one time.

Saturday night my mom and dad did come over for dinner and family movie night. I found this amazing BBQ Beef Sandwich recipe that is made with root beer. Everyone loved it. During dinner we started talking politics which got a little carried away, but once everybody voiced their opinion we all moved on to movie night and dessert. We watched Extraordinary Measures ( a true story about a father who tries to find a cure for a rare disease his children have). It was a good movie.

Sunday my family woke up and I made breakfast. One of our family friends called and asked if my son and daughter could come over and go swimming. So I said yes because my husband was going to be tied up watching the one game he has been waiting for during the World Cup (Mexico vs Argentina). And I wanted him to be able to watch it uninterrupted. So off they went.

A couple hours later my daughter called and asked if she could sleepover at her friends house. My immediate reaction was "NO WAY" not my six year old little girl. I told her to let me think about it and I would call her back. MY husband and I discussed it and we both said we have to give in and let her have fun not put her in a bubble. So we called her back and told her yes. The screaming on the phone was obnoxious! She was so thrilled.

So my husband and I settled in for the night. We had dinner alone which was weird as that has not happened in a long time. I made chicken and potatoes in my favorite kitchen appliance the slow cooker. It was amazing. And then we watched Remember Me with Robert Pattinson. Which started out slow but the ending was a shocker. All in all good.

Then finished off the night with our favorite show "True Blood". Got to love us some adult vampires.

After watching the show I got this urge to go pick up my little girl as I wanted to tuck her in and give her a kiss goodnight! But I held strong and did not call or drive over there. I decided the best way to help me forget is to go to bed. Also my daughter was going to get dropped off at 7am.

This morning when she got home I gave her the biggest hug and I think she grew a little bigger since I saw her yesterday.

Welcome to My world!

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